The RLM was developed by the research group of Dr. Dante Pazzanese Lanna at Cornell University in the United States, and later at ESALQ/USP and UFPR in Brazil, with Professor Rodrigo de Almeida.
The program calculates nutritional requirements based on equations from the Cornell System, the Californian Liquid Energy System, AFRC and CSIRO, adapted to the tropical and temperate climates.
The System is continuously updated with the latest experimental data conducted at research institutes and universities around the world.
RLM received the Santander Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Its innovative mathematical model calculates the optimal solution with the aid of nonlinear optimization. This allows you to find the maximum profit ration and optimum performance level.
The RLM also called for having an environmental model that allows the calculating of methane production and CO2 equivalent emissions, allowing to minimize the environmental impact of the activity.
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